Perversion of the language in discourses of violence against women

Aproximación a las noticias de Oscar Pistorius


  • Sara Bustinduy-Fernández Universidad de Málaga



Perversion of the Language, Violence Against Women, Media Discourses, Feminicide Trial, Equality, Discrimination, Privilege


This is a case study on a selection of five press articles about Oscar Pistorius murder trial of Reeva Steenkam. It is based on the author´s doctoral thesis from 2021 entitled “Análisis lingüístico de artículos de prensa en inglés y español sobre violencia contra la mujer: el caso de Reeva Steenkamp”. It will be argued that there are issues that deviate the discourse meaning with a perverse twist.


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How to Cite

Bustinduy-Fernández, S. . (2022). Perversion of the language in discourses of violence against women: Aproximación a las noticias de Oscar Pistorius . HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 14(3), 1–12.