Physical-sports activity as a protective factor in the initiation of tobacco consumption


  • Cristina Sota Rodrigo Universidad de Burgos y AECC
  • Elvira Mercado Val Universidad de Burgos



Adolescence, Prevention, Tobacco, Sport, Physical activity, Protective factors, Gender


Objective: To demonstrate the relationship between sport as a protective factor in the onset of tobacco
Development: Retrospective cohort study during 2018-19 in 24 centers (2404 students aged 12-19 years), 49% boys and 51% girls answering 43 items.
Results: 67.2% who do not smoke practice sport several times a week and 29.5% daily. They spend their free time with friends (80.1%), TV (50.4%), bars and discotheques (7.5%), clubs (4.5%) and the street (4.4%).
Smokers: friends (81.9%), street (50.9%), tv (40.5%), clubs (4.3%), bars and discotheques (3.4%).
Conclusions: High significance of sport related to smoking, age and gender.


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How to Cite

Sota Rodrigo, C., & Mercado Val, E. . (2022). Physical-sports activity as a protective factor in the initiation of tobacco consumption. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 11(1), 1–11.