Image and Paradigmatic City's Imaginary: a Space-Time Reading at "Midnight in Paris"


  • Valéria Cristina Pereira da Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)



City, Image, Space-Time, Urban Paradigm


Paris are a emblematic and paradigmatic city cause it's most showing in images. The landscape, the Urbanism, the architectural forms are used as a model to city around the world, inclusively in Brazil. Talking about urban imaginary, at any context, demand uses this referential space. This is a city who has a very long time of existence and a very big cultural legacy who produce a very rich representation. Woody Allen at "Midnight in Paris" was captured the essence of this imaginary where, to find the real city, we need search them at an old era. The time steps surround the city and suited their landscape, as proven W. Benjamin (1989) the temporal elements more heterogeneous can be found side-by-side. In this way, this article's goal is, such a city's image showing at "Midnight in Paris", analyzing the senses of urban temporalities at her relationship with the paradigmatic imaginary of the French's capital city, overall as irradiating of model and metaphors. The theoretical and methodological support used for this examination is Gaston Bachelard's imagination's phenomenology and the Walter Benjamin elaboration, where an imaginary "flanerie" will be undertaken at this time-city wrought by W. Allen.


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How to Cite

Pereira da Silva, V. C. (2016). Image and Paradigmatic City’s Imaginary: a Space-Time Reading at "Midnight in Paris". VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 2(1), 51–63.



Research articles