The Develope of Communication Studies from an Interisciplinary Perspective


  • Jorge Rasner Casa Universidad de la República



Communications Studies, Interdisciplinary


ommunication studies have evolved since the mid-twentieth century from a standard "transmitter-receiver" frame to more complex forms that reassess the role of the receiver insert in the communication flow as mediator and producer of content. This step emphasizes the role of interaction, favored over one that merely considered the transmission of information from a few centers to multiple receivers. However, to this important step we should incorporate the experience and knowledge that comes built in different communication practices, including art, in order to consider the communication phenomenon from within the polyphony that characterizes it. This process certainly complicates the approaches of communication phenomenon but, instead, try to perceive its richness in permanent evolution and, mainly, through the creativity of its own. From this perspective I aim to provide a conceptualization of the phenomenon to bring the radical incompleteness of it, its resistance to fit into paradigmatic proposals, and the ...


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Author Biography

Jorge Rasner Casa, Universidad de la República

Magíster en Ciencias Humanas

Lic. en Filosofía

Prof. Agdo. Facultad de Información y Comunicación



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How to Cite

Rasner Casa, J. (2014). The Develope of Communication Studies from an Interisciplinary Perspective. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 1(2), 41–49.



Research articles