Pedagogies of Meaning in the Health Sciences: Capturing and Promoting a Movement


  • Maria Rosa Walker Universidad Católica de Chile



Medical Education, Pedagogy of Meaning, Philosophy of Education, Medical Humanities, Andragogy


The pedagogy of meaning is a pedagogical approach that intends to facilitate not only the technical training of students but also their human development. However, we can miss some aspects of education, such as subjetivity and meaning, for example. The student´s tutor is somebody who can “capture the internal movement” of the student, and facilitate his/her development. On the other hand, a subtle movement toward the acquisition of virtues can be much more relevant. In this paper we describe the pedagogical principles and practices that can help us for the search of meaning, conflating the principles and perspectives of andragogy and humanities. The authors cited (Torralba, Jane Vella, and Alfonso López Quintás) give us some clues that can help us to go farther than just technological learning, namely, the consideration of generative themes of students, the perception process in learning, and the integration of tradition treasures and cultural context.

Author Biography

Maria Rosa Walker, Universidad Católica de Chile

Licenciada en medicina, (1983), P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Estudios de postgrado en Madrid, España (Especialidad en Medicina Preventiva y Salud pública; Título superior en Ciencias de la Familia). Master in Science en Educación para la salud, (NC, Chapel Hill, USA). Magister en Humanidades y arte, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Chile). Como profesora, ha participado en el desarrollo de nuevos programas docentes en la PUC Chile: Medicina Familiar, Diplomado en Salud y Humanización, Diplomado en Educación Médica, y Certificado académico en Medicina, Cultura y persona. Imparte talleres de Educación participativa de adultos a profesionales de la salud, y Talleres de Narrativa y docencia. Intereses: formación y desarrollo personal de los profesionales de la salud; narrativa y medicina; espiritualidad y medicina.


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How to Cite

Walker, M. R. (2013). Pedagogies of Meaning in the Health Sciences: Capturing and Promoting a Movement. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review / Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 2(1).



Research articles