The Development of Research Capacity through Texts

A Study of Application to Postgraduate Students in Blended and Non-Face-To-Face Environments in the Linguistics Area




Research, Semi-face-context, Non-face-context, Postgraduate, Texts, Pretexts


This article proposes innovative teaching strategies based on texts, with the aim of developing the research capacity of university students, mainly postgraduates. The proposal has been applied to subjects in the Linguistics area, in non- face-to-face and blended environments. It is proposed to carry out activities based on texts, giving students a leading role, and emphasizing creative and artistic activities, because their importance in the development of transversal qualities of interest to the researcher. Appropriate techniques are also proposed for non-face and semi-face contexts, not only for practical reasons, but for their intrinsic interest.


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How to Cite

Montaner Montava, M. A. (2022). The Development of Research Capacity through Texts: A Study of Application to Postgraduate Students in Blended and Non-Face-To-Face Environments in the Linguistics Area. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 9(1), 65–76.



Critical reflection articles