A Teaching Proposal with the Use of the Blended - Learning Mode. Flipped Learning Teaching Model In a Physics III course in the Environmental Engineering Degree


  • Silvia Elena Mancini Universidad de Flores




Virtual Classroom, Active Learning, Research – Action, Physics, University


This paper describes an investigation carried out in a course in University Physics III of Argentina. It is developed in the research-action framework from Elliott's point of view and uses Prieto Martín's approach to introduce the Inverse Learning model. The analysis of this case study suggests an improvement in academic results and also in the language of science due to the application of the new pedagogical models. In addition, there was an improvement in control over their own learning processes, as well as more meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Mancini, S. E. (2021). A Teaching Proposal with the Use of the Blended - Learning Mode. Flipped Learning Teaching Model In a Physics III course in the Environmental Engineering Degree. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 7(2), pp. 113–125. https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revedutech.v7.2378



Research articles