Gamification in Higher Education

Description of the Main Resources for Use




Higher education, Educational games, Educational innovation, Gamification


The objective of this article is to facilitate the application of educational gamification in higher education, through a descriptive presentation based on a previous analysis in which the main recreational resources with basic elements of versatile characterization and general use are disclosed. As a result, there is a distinction between board and card games are distinguished, and on the other hand, the digital resources that offer more possibilities of adaptation to the university environment from the generalization options of their dynamics and organization for the different disciplines in higher education.

Author Biography

Carmen Caravaca Llamas, Universidad de Alicante

Doctora en Intervención social y Mediación (Universidad de Murcia) y Magister en Intervenciones Asistidas con Animales (Universidad de Miguel Hernández). Actual profesora en la Universidad de Alicante con diversas publicaciones sobre gamificación.


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How to Cite

Caravaca Llamas, C., & Sáez Olmos, J. (2021). Gamification in Higher Education: Description of the Main Resources for Use. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 8(2), 165–177.



Critical reflection articles