TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review /Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad <div class="description"> <p><span lang="EN-US"><em>TECHNO Review</em> offers a space for dialogue and the publication of innovative theories, analyses, and practices that relate science, technology, knowledge, and society. </span>It has an interdisciplinary scope: it provides a meeting point between scientists, technologists, and engineers concerned about humanities and social matters; and philosophers, historians, political scientists, and economists interested in the increasing impact of science and technological innovation in diverse fields of human life and social sphere. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, systematic review articles, book reviews, and proposals for the publication of Special Issues. The journal is peer-reviewed (double-blind) and publishes papers written in Spanish and English.</p> </div> en-US <p>Those authors who publish in this journal accept the following terms:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Authors will keep the moral right of the work and they will transfer the commercial rights.</li> <li class="show">After <strong>1 year</strong> from publication, the work shall thereafter <strong>be</strong><strong> open access </strong>online on our website, but will retain copyright.</li> <li class="show">In the event that the authors wish to assign an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons</a> (CC) license, they may request it by writing to <a href=""></a></li> </ol> (Editorial Inquiries) (Licensing & Technical Support) Wed, 02 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Specific Educational Needs Current Legal Aspect 2021-2022 in Ecuador- Senescyt <p>In Ecuador, education has been considered a fundamental human right and the State has the responsibility to guarantee its universal and equitable access. In addition, the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) establishes the legal framework for education in the country. In this sense, governments have a responsibility to provide inclusive and equitable education for all, regardless of their individual differences. In Ecuador, the SENESCYT (Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation).</p> Alexandra Irrazabal Bohorquez, Gardenia Gonzalez Orbea, Karina Córdova Tamayo, Michael Pimentel Elbert, Jacqueline Avilés Salazar, Norma Garcés Garcés Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 02 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Attention to Diversity with Love and Respect. Inclusive, Equitable and Quality Education <p>Educational inclusion, equity and quality of education should be considered from the perspective of diversity, love and respect for students. The teacher is the architect of this variable education, which is why this research was conducted. The main objective is to understand the degree of relationship between the dimensions of inclusive, equitable and quality education. A quantitative correlational study was carried out under a non-experimental design, in which the perception of 384 teachers in the province of Guayas, all of them in initial and basic education, was collected through a survey. Cronbach's alpha was 92.5%.</p> Amor del Rosario Lalama Franco, Miriam Maritza Morán Rodrigo , William Lenín Chenche Jácome, Julia Lorena Zeballos Chang, Rafael Fernando Montenegro Ramírez Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 03 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Venezuelan Immigration and Social Stigmatization in Peru <p>The political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has led to a forced exodus of approximately 4 million people, generating a significant impact in Latin America. Peru is one of the countries that has received a large number of Venezuelan migrants. This study focuses on the individual and social perceptions of Peruvians regarding the stigma towards Venezuelan immigrants in Peru. Factors of stigmatization such as labor competition, crime, and strain on public services are identified. Through a mixed-method approach of questionnaires and interviews, 180 Peruvian residents were surveyed.</p> Aleixandre Brian Duche-Pérez , Yessica Raquel Ruiz-Fernández, Víctor Daniel Mateo Peralta-Valencia Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 07 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Media disinformation in Peru: systematic review of university theses <p>Understanding the evolution and implications of media disinformation in Peru is crucial, as it requires a systematic review of university theses. This study reveals the growing interest that has been generated around disinformation as an object of study, although its distribution is not uniform in disciplinary and geographical terms. Theses address a variety of topics that reflect the diversity and importance of disinformation. Various forms of disinformation manifestation and propagation are analyzed, and recommendations are proposed to counteract it.</p> Osbaldo Turpo-Gebera , Edgar Quispe-Mamani, Ofelia Contreras-Mejía , Monica Contreras-Mejia Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 How to evaluate the quality of a training to improve it? <p>The objective of this research was to determine at what level a quality evaluation tool used by students in a university program of teacher training questions the elements that influence the quality of training and contributes to the process of continuous improvement. For this, an analysis process of evaluative tools was proposed as generally as possible so that it is transferability to various contexts. Finally, by putting it into practice this analysis process in the program, it was shown how it improves the understanding of the evaluation tool, promoting its development and the management of program.</p> Silvia Verónica Valdivia Yábar , Ludgarda Apaza-Tapia , Ruth Mirihan Romero Huamani, Alex Gabino Mamani-Ortiz Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Responsabilidad social del estudiante universitario según variables sociodemográficas en el Perú <p>This article analyzes the social responsibility of university students according to sociodemographic variables in a public university in Peru. The study was a descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study in a sample of 758 students. The results showed that most of the participants registered a high degree of social responsibility, assuming a social commitment within their professional training that does not differ by age, however, by sex (women), occupation (studying and working), area of studies (biomedical or health sciences), and year of studies (senior years).</p> Rildo Santos Bellido-Medina , Blanca Morales-Palao , José Luis Evangelista-Aliaga , María Elena Gamarra-Castellanos Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 10 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 The Electronic Lifestyle In Digital Activities Mediated by the Internet <p>The study examines how the post-pandemic influenced the digital activities of Peruvian university students, highlighting the rise of an "electronic lifestyle" due to isolation. The relationship between this new style and the value given to the Internet was studied, concluding that this value differs between genders. A survey was carried out on 189 students using a model based on e-lifestyle. The findings reflect new post-pandemic digital needs and interests and a shift in the Internet's perceived significance.</p> Olger Gutiérrez Aguilar , Sandra Chicaña Huanca Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 10 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Elasticity in the Behavior of the Producer, According to the Supply of Rice in Peru <p>The elasticity of supply is important for decision-making in the behavior of paddy rice producers. In this sense, the objective of this study is to estimate the short-term and long-term supply elasticity for paddy rice in Peru, using the Nerlove model, and considering the harvested area of paddy rice as a dependent variable. The results show that the elasticity of supply of paddy rice in the short term is inelastic (0.203866), and in the long term it is also inelastic (0.335631), in addition, the adjustment coefficient of the producers is 0.607412.</p> Carlos Pedro Vera-Ninacondor, Gregorio Nicolas Cusihuamán-Sisa, Javier Guido Alarcón-Condori , Carlos Ilich Aguilar-Del-Carpio Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Formative Research and Research Competencies in Foreign Language Students in Higher Education <p>The purpose of this study was to ascertain the degree of correlation between formative research and the attainment of research competencies by students majoring in Foreign Language at a Peruvian public university. Using a non-probabilistic sampling method, 59 colleague students were selected for the sample. The design of the study was non-experimental and transactional in nature. The correlation coefficient between the variables was calculated to be 0.705, indicating that the relationship is positive and has a strong positive correlation. Consequently, there is a significant relationship between the variables of the study.</p> Kevin Mario Laura-De La Cruz, Domingo Nicolás Pérez Yufra, Cecilia Rosario del Pilar Mendoza-Gómez , Luz Anabella Mendoza-Del Valle Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Augmented Reality For Learning Children With Asd Software Usability Evaluation With Heuristic Rules <p>The objective of this research is to develop an augmented reality mobile application for learning mathematics and reading for children between 5 and 7 years of age who suffer from autism spectrum disorders. An own methodology for the development of the mobile application is presented and as results the finished mobile application is shown, which was evaluated by the tutors of the autistic children. 90% of the tutors affirmed that augmented reality facilitated educational understanding, 80% assured that learning through augmented reality applications is more attractive for children and finally 90% affirmed that they would recommend the use of the mobile application to tutors with similar situations.</p> Guadalupe Esmeralda Rivera García, Miriam Janet Cervantes López, Juan Carlos Ramírez Vázquez, Arturo Llanes Castillo, Jaime Cruz Casados Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Agricultural Personnel Diversity Management Scale: Design, reliability and validity <p>The world of work is characterized by the diversity (racial and ethnic, gender, generational and age, religious and spiritual, disability, socioeconomic and sexual orientation) of people that converge in it, a characteristic that represents a management opportunity to create effective teams, recognizing that diversity can generate competitive advantages. Considering this reality, the objective is to develop a questionnaire to measure diversity management based on an empirical model designed with the variables internal management of cultural diversity, tolerance to diversity, equality and respect, labour equity, integration, selection, intercultural communication and communication.</p> Karina Gámez Gámez, Virginia Guadalupe López Torres Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Innovative marketing strategies in dentistry: The potential of the doll as a brand image <p>The creation of 3D-printed corporate mascots is a complex scientific and social process. It requires the use of 3D printing technologies, engineering, and design, while taking into account ethical, legal, and moral considerations. Creating a unique and personalized mascot allows for an emotional connection with patients. Mascots have the potential to have a significant impact on businesses, including dental clinics. In this sense, they help to create a strong and memorable brand identity. This potential represents an opportunity to use corporate mascots as a marketing element, especially on social media as a distinctive element from the competition.</p> Carlos Alberto Farje Gallardo, Julio Mariano Chávez Milla, Lida Inés Carhuas Peña, Edwin Gonzales Paco, Franz Tito Coronel-Zubiate Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Social balance as an axis of development and management in transportation cooperatives in zone 3 of Ecuador <p>The Organic Law of Popular and Solidarity Economy (LOEPS), in the second general provision determines that the organizations subject to this law, will incorporate to their management reports the SOCIAL BALANCE SHEET (BS); the research aims to demonstrate the level of compliance with the principles and social objectives regulated in article 4 and 21 of the LOEPS, the research analyzed the social balance sheets of 382 organizations domiciled in the provinces of zone 3 of Ecuador, of the group "transport cooperatives". The interviews with managers and the documentary review generated results on macro dimensions of the BS.</p> Marcelo Eduardo Sánchez Salazar, José Fernando López Aguirre, María Gabriela Tobar Ruiz, Sandra Patricia Jácome Tamayo Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Implementation strategies of a crm system from an endomarketing perspective to foster positive organizational behavior <p>A company with a strategic vision oriented towards business relationships seeks to adopt tools that help it achieve this goal. One of these tools could be Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which places the employee at the center of the organization, thus improving employee satisfaction and engagement. This, in turn, leads to optimized profitability and increased productivity in any type of business. Despite the existence of previous research on this topic, it is still necessary to deepen the analysis of the implications of the implementation of CRM tools.</p> José Luis López Salazar , José Fernando López Aguirre, Juan Carlos Pomaquero Yuquilema, Jorge Antonio Vasco Vasco Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Applicability of Emerging Technologies in Virtual Learning Environments. A look at the University of Guayaquil <p>The objective of the study was to determine the applicability given by teachers of the University of Guayaquil to emerging technologies in virtual learning environments. It assumed the quantitative approach, descriptive type of research, and field design, non-experimental, cross-sectional. It was conducted during the second period of 2022. The population under study was 287 teachers of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences, the sample consisted of 166 teachers after applying a simple random sampling.</p> Jaime Espinosa Izquierdo, Juan Eduardo Villamar Bravo, Karina Quijije Acosta, Jorge Mesa Vazquez Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Positive mental health and occupational burnout in the tourism sector in Peru <p>The COVID-19 crisis and the political conflicts in Peru affected tourism activity, generating psychosocial risks. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between positive mental health and occupational burnout in employees of the tourism sector in Junín. The approach was quantitative, basic type, correlational level, non-experimental design, cross-sectional descriptive correlational. The sample consisted of 384 collaborators, and the Positive Mental Health Scale and the Occupational Burnout Scale were applied. The results showed an inverse (Kendall's Tau b = -.738) and significant (p-value &lt; .00) correlation between both variables. It is concluded that the better mental health, the less occupational burnout.</p> Marco Antonio José Paredes-Pérez, Antonio Eleodoro Palomino-Crispin, Miguel Angel Ramírez-Arellano, Victor Renzo Cardenas-Tapia, Daniela Isabel Dayan Ortega-Révolo, Rubén Darío Alania-Contreras Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Development of research skills and formative research in higher education. <p>The university has been using the concept of formative research for the fulfillment of one of its functions within the framework of the law. Since then we have conducted research on the development of research skills in the university classroom, we present activities developed by professors, which bring us closer to the use of tools that allow the development of research skills from the training process. Material and methods: it was based on an exploratory descriptive descriptive research, as well as on the documentary analysis carried out at different times. First: institutional diagnosis on formative research, second: design of the conceptual model and third: construction of exploratory scenarios.</p> Eliana  Mazuelos Chávez, Víctor Hugo Aguayo Polar Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Impact of digital marketing on customer service in commercial microenterprises in Guayaquil and La Libertad. <p>The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of marketing strategies on customer service. The research was conducted with a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional approach, and a survey was used as a research technique. Probabilistic sampling was applied to select a group of microenterprises in the cities of Guayaquil and La Libertad. The most important results reveal that the quality of customer service is essential, being considered part of the marketing strategies that allow economic development and therefore a better positioning in the market, for this reason it is essential to continue with its application; that is, it is necessary to continue training the staff as a strategy for strengthening continuous improvement, in order to meet the management indicators and business objectives.</p> Sofía Georgina Lovato Torres , Marjorie Marcela Acosta Véliz , José Manuel Asanza Moreira , Gissela Monserrate Saltos Santana Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 The Professional Identity of University Teachers <p>Society is experiencing a process of change, which impacts on the formation of citizens; the professional teaching identity is related to a behavior of improvement, which drags with it to the progress of its environment, it is necessary to understand the conceptualized, of the professional teaching identity to determine the theoretical conceptions on the professional teaching identity through a literature review. A literature review was conducted to determine the theoretical conceptions of the teaching professional identity, through the search of articles in different platforms, 23 articles were analyzed, between 2017 to 2022.</p> Angel Luis Moreno Briones, María Elena Vera Gordillo, Ginger Cecilia Navarrete Mendieta, María de los Ángeles Guamán Coronel, Diana Cecilia Guamán Coronel Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Protected homes, according to the HoNOS scale, in patients with psychiatric disorders,2022 <p>The objective of this research work was to determine the effectiveness of sheltered homes in global functioning according to the HoNOS scale. Methodology, is of a quantitative, quasi-experimental type of research.The research discusses with Herrera et al (2018), finding improvement in functionality in the patients of the Protected Homes. Conclusion, global functioning of the residents improved from 15 points on average in the pre-test of the patients to 5 in the post-test, evidencing an improvement in global functioning.</p> Washington Melvin Lira Camargo, Glenn Alberto Lozano Zanelly, Aristides Hurtado Concha, Maria Marleny Rivera Gonzales, Ana Maria Zamalloa Torres , Zoila Rosa Lira Camargo Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Challenges of the black communities; the conservation of the Santiago Cayapas river commune <p>This article addresses the case of Afro-descendants in the Rio Santiago Cayapas Commune, Ecuador. Chapter I contextualizes Esmeraldas within the Chocó Biogeographic region. Chapter II analyzes the history from African slaves to the resistance stronghold. Chapter III explores how the resource-rich Rio Santiago Cayapas Commune faces state-driven displacement, logging industry, oil palm agriculture, and mining, prioritizing resource exploitation, impacting local communities. Logging, oil palm, and mining lead to deforestation, territory loss, conflicts, and environmental degradation, straining life in the Rio Santiago Cayapas Commune.</p> VÍCTOR MANUEL ARROYO QUIÑONEZ, MARÍA ELIZABETH CANCHINGRE BONE, SARA ELIZABETH TENORIO SEGURA, ENMA ELENA ESPINOZA ECHEVERRÍA Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Technologies, Government Communication and Uncertainty Management in Natural Disaster Situations <p>Natural disasters occur and management must adjust to the reality and needs that arise. The research analyzed Technologies, Government Communication and Uncertainty Management in Disaster Cases: The Case of Landslides and Floods, particularly the role played by government communication in the disaster that occurred in the municipality of San Gabriel in the state of Jalisco, on June 2, 2019. The methodology used was a case study and also of a descriptive nature, studying the case of landslides and floods generated by an avalanche of mud, water, stones and tree trunks that invaded a large part of the municipal seat of San Gabriel, located in the south of the state of Jalisco Mexico and caused the loss of five human lives.</p> Karla Haydeé Ortíz Palafox, Andrés Valdez Zepeda, César Omar Mora Pérez, Jorge Lozoya Arandia Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Analysis from technological applications on post pandemic dentistry: an analysis of costs and fees in Peru <p>After the COVID-19 pandemic, attempts have been made to return to the old normality, but the changes have affected dental services. It was sought to determine the production cost and rate proposal for a restoration with 1.2 resin in a permanent tooth and to make a rate proposal. The results obtained from 26 samples indicated an average direct cost of $2.42 and an average indirect cost of $4.02 in an average execution time of 21:39 minutes. The average production cost is $6.45 and a fee amount of $14.65 is proposed.</p> Antonio Armando Aguirre-Aguilar , Daniel Alonso Juárez Merino, Franz Tito Coronel-Zubiate, Teresa Etelvina Ríos-Caro, Augusto Alberto Aguirre-Aguilar Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Evaluation of the usability of the usability of a medical assistance software applying heuristic rules <p>The objective of this research is to evaluate the usability of a telemedicine system developed by the authors through the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology, since it is a rigorous method whose purpose is to ensure the production of high-quality software. Usability was evaluated by a group of experts using an instrument based on the Nielsen heuristic rules model. The results indicate that the usability is between "very good" and "excellent" so it is very acceptable. However, some items with low value were presented as recognition before I remember, derived from the fact that the links of the system are not easily identified by the user, therefore, derived from the above, the corresponding improvements will be made.</p> Miriam Janet Cervantes López, Guadalupe Esmeralda Rivera García, Juan Carlos Ramírez Vázquez, Arturo Llanes Castillo, Jaime Cruz Casados Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200