Introduction to Positive Leadership: Opportunities for Learning Enhancement in Higher Education


  • Águeda Benito Capa Laureate International Universities
  • Alejandro Fernandez de la Cruz UPN
  • Ariadna Elisabeth Hernandez Castillo De Tejeda UPN
  • Luz América Segura Gutierrez UPN
  • Hernán Alfredo Vargas Llontop UPN
  • Alberto Moreno Melgarejo Universidad Europea



Higher Education, Positive Leadership, Classroom Interaction


Positive Leadership constitutes a very interesting way to approach organizations functioning and management, which has produced extraordinary results in numerous companies. In this context, this paper describes how three faculty members of a Peruvian university incorporate the principles of Positive Leadership in the delivery of their subjects. The research is conducted with a mixed methods approach, contemplating both students and faculty as the source of quantitative and qualitative Information. The evidence collected during this experience indicate that the instructors were able to generate a very favorable learning environment, and highly positive interactions that originated high satisfaction and excellent academic results.

Author Biography

Águeda Benito Capa, Laureate International Universities

Chief Acadmic Officer de EMEAA


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How to Cite

Benito Capa, Águeda, Fernandez de la Cruz, A., Hernandez Castillo De Tejeda, A. E., Segura Gutierrez, L. A., Vargas Llontop, H. A., & Moreno Melgarejo, A. (2020). Introduction to Positive Leadership: Opportunities for Learning Enhancement in Higher Education. Revista Internacional De Aprendizaje En La Educación Superior, 7(1), pp. 29–37.


